송지연 JiYeoun Song (b.1981~)
2007 홍익대학교 대학원 회화과 졸업
2004 홍익대학교 회화과 졸업
2024 바라보다-제주, 선화랑, 서울
2020 기억의 방식-도시로부터, 중정갤러리, 서울
기억하다, 바라보다, 갤러리이마주, 서울
2018 One's Home, 선화랑, 서울
2017 서울을 보다, 영은미술관, 경기도
2015 그곳을 바라보다, 선화랑, 서울
2014 박영덕화랑, 서울
2012 중정갤러리, 서울
2011 바라보다, 기억하다, 미술공간 현, 서울
2009 바라보다, 토포하우스갤러리, 서울
2008 장은선갤러리, 서울
2007 Galerie Myriam H, Paris
2006 중독&일상, 아카서울갤러리, 서울
2024 금강미술대전 초대작가 특별전, 더크루즈 카페 아트스페이스, 공주
Tranquility and Dynamism, 선화랑, 서울
2020 선물, 선화랑, 서울
소품락희‘ THANK YOU, 갤러리조은, 서울
새로운만남, 갤러리오로라, 부산
2019 사람과 도시 그리고 사이, 비키갤러리, 서울
피아모갤러리 개관전, 피아모갤러리, 서울
숲, 갤러리조은, 서울
I have a dream, 갤러리반크, 서울
All You Need is love=ART, 갤러리반크, 서울
2018 한남동 개관전, 민갤러리, 서울
선물 전, 선화랑, 서
도시인상, 63아트미술관, 서울
쉼터&샘터, 아티비타갤러리, 서울
다락방 작은그림, 메이크갤러리, 서울
바다, 갤러리조은, 서울
기억의 방식, 희수갤러리, 서울
Mumbai Biennale2018-beyond the frame, JJ School, 뭄바이
후용아트폐허, 후미술관, 강원도문막
4인전-송지연,박다혜,이선영,윤영선, Proxy Gallery, LA
마포마켓-화이트테이블, 마포중앙도서관, 서울
올미씨의 행복여행, 올미아트스페이스, 서울
아름다운 여행, 슈페리어갤러리, 서울
2017 시원한 바람, GL갤러리, 군포
부채속에 비춰지는 현대회화, 아틀리에247, 수원
선화랑 40주년 기념전, 선화랑, 서울
Ensemble, 리디아갤러리, 서울
아름다운 여행, 슈페리어갤러리, 서울
사랑 나눔, Art G&G, 대구
선물, 선화랑, 서울
2016 Contemporaries, 아트파크갤러리(블루스퀘어), 서울
선물, 선화랑, 서울
2015 홍익아트페어(동문회관건립기금조성), 베스트웨스턴서울가든호텔, 서울
확장된 시선, 통인갤러리, 서울
환경 테마-반딧불이 마을, 갤러리지오, 인천
2014 예감, 선화랑, 서울
Gold & Wise, 국민은행, 서울
THANK YOU, Nam.K Gallery, 서울
2013 홍익루트, 공아트스페이스, 서울
단원수상작가초대전, 통인갤러리, 서울
그곳으로가다, 푸에스토 갤러리, 서울
2012 부산국제아트페어, 부산문화회관, 부산
홍익루트, 조선일보미술관, 서울
단원수상작가초대전, 인사아트프라자, 서울
2011 인사아트페스티벌, 인사아트센터, 서울
루트(30th 홍익 여성화가 협회전), 한가람미술관 예술의 전당, 서울
부산국제아트페어, 부산문화회관, 부산
대한민국미술대전 구상부문 수상전, SETEC, 서울
2010 아직도아시아프최고의작가를모르세요? , 맥갤러리, 부산
The Face Gallery 개관전, The Face Gallery,서울
보다=사고=유람적 경험, JHGallery, 서울
홍익여성화가협회, 조선일보미술관, 서울
부산국제아트페어, BEXCO, 부산
열림공감, 예술의 전당 한가람미술관, 서울
아트마켓JAM, 장흥아트파크, 장흥
인사동을 스치는 시선, GONG ART SPACE, 서울
2008 한국 비평인이 선정한 1000인 전, 단원전시관
작가의방, 루미나리에갤러리, 서울
ASYAAF, 옛기무사건물, 서울
원더풀픽쳐스, 일민미술관, 서울
정태춘 박은옥 30주년기념전, 경향갤러리, 서울
2007 우수청년 작가, Galerie GAIA
멋돼지 복돼지, 통인 옥션 갤러리
천태만상(千態萬想), 상해 도륜 현대미술관
표현-의식의 전환, 스페이스 함 갤러리
Art Interchange - Twain Tippetts Exhibition Hall
Utah State University
우수청년작가전 파리 전, Galerie Etienne de Causans
한․중 유화 초대전, 닝보미술관
2006 PAG-은닉된 에네르기, 경향 갤러리
비제도권 전시프로젝트그룹 1/B전, Comfort Zone
천태만상(千態萬想), 북경 황성 예술관, 중국
Team Preview-시사회, Team Preview
2005 Contemporary Project CPS in New-York
캔디정신, 김옥길 기념관
신진작가 발언, 관훈 갤러리
2004 대한민국미술대전 비구상부문, 국립현대미술관
유비쿼터스(Ubiquitous), 홍익대학교 현대갤러리
작품 소장
국립현대미술관 정부-미술은행
국립현대미술관 미술은행
하버시티 그룹-홍콩
그 외 다수 갤러리 및 개인 소장
2기 골드창작레지던시 입주, 2017
10기 영은 미술관 창작 예술 공간 입주, 2016
Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, 2014
2017 서울아트쇼-블루칩 작가 선정
2017 63아트 뉴아티스트 프로그램 선정
2011 대한민국미술대전 구상부문 우수상
2010 단원미술제 우수상
2008 서울미술대상전 우수상
2007 단원미술대전 특선
2006 서울미술대상전 특선
2005 나혜석 미술대전 입상
2004 대한민국미술대전 비구상부문 입상
2017 제4회 63아트 뉴아티스트 프로젝트 지원
2013 한국예술문화위원회(ARCO) 해외 레지던시 지원
2004 Hong-ik University BFA
2007 Hong-ik University MFA
Solo exhibitions
2024 Look at Jeju, Sun Gallery, Seoul
2020 The way of memory - from the city, Joong Jung Gallery, Seoul
Remember, Look at, Gallery Imazoo, Seoul
2018 One's Home, Sun Gallery, Seoul
2017 9th ‘Look at SEOUL' Solo Exhibition by Song, Ji-Yeon, Youngeun Museum of contemporary art, Kyeonggido
2015 8th 'Look at there' Solo Exhibition by Song, Ji-Yeon, Gallery Sun, Seoul
2014 7th Solo Exhibition by Song, Ji-Yeon, Gallery Bhak, Seoul
2012 The 6th Solo Exhibition by Song, Ji-Yeon, Joongjung Gallery, Seoul
2011 look at it & remember ,Art Space Hyun, Seoul
2009 look at it, Topo-house Gallery, Seoul
2008 Song, ji-yeon, Jangeunsun Gallery, Seoul
2007 The 2nd Solo Exhibition by Song, Ji-Yeon, Galerie Myriam H, Paris
2006 Poison & Addiction , AKA Seoul Gallery, Seoul
Group exhibitions
2024 Special Artist Echibition of the Geumgang Art Contest, Gongju-si,
Tranquility and Dynamism, Sun Gallery, Seoul
2023 2024 Winter Masterpieces, Sun Gallery, Seoul
2022 45th Anniversary special exhibition, Sun Gallery, Seoul
2020 Artists spotlight week, , Sun Gallery, Seoul
Small Lucky, Gallery Joeun, Seoul
A new Encounter, Gallery Aurora, Busan
2019 People, cities, and relationships, Biki Gallery, Seoul
Piamo Gallery Opening Exhibition, Piamo Gallery, Seoul
Forest, Gallery Joeun, Seoul
I have a dream, Gallery Bank, Seoul
All You Need is love=ART, Gallery Bank, Seoul
2018 Present, Sungallery, Seoul
The opening exhibition of 'Min Gallery', gallery Min, Seoul
4th Museum of 63Art New Artist Project-City Impression, Museum of 63Art, Seoul
Place of rest and spring-Ji yeon,Song&Seung yun,Choi, Gallery Ativita, Seoul
Sea‘海’, Gallery Joeun, Seoul
The way of Memory, Gallery Heesu, Seoul
2017 Cool Wind-BU CHAE, GLgallery, Gunpo
Ji yeon,Song & Sang yun,Han-Contemporary art: BU CHAE, Artlie247, Suwon
Celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Sungallery, Sungallery, Seoul
Ensemble, Rydiagallery, Seoul
Beautiful Travel, Superiorgallery, Seoul
Share of Love, Art G&G, Daegu
2016 Contemporaries, ARTPARK Gallery, Seoul
The Present, Gallery Sun, Seoul
2015 Hong-ik Univercity Art Fair for preparation of fund, Hotel of Best Western Seoul Garden, Seoul
Extended it's eyes-Min seok Yoo, Ji yeon Song, Heung bae Oh, Gallery Tongin, Seoul
Environment-themed Village of fireflies, Gallery Gio, Incheon
2014 Foreboding, Sun gallery, Seoul
Gold & Wise, KookminBank, Seoul
THANK YOU, Nam.K Gallery, Seoul
2013 Works of Beautiful, Beautiful Relation, Gallery LVS, Seoul
2013 Special Exhibition by past Winners of Danwon Art Festival Awards, Insa-Art-Praza
2012 Pusan internationl art fair, Pusan cultural center
Special Exhibition by past Winners of Danwon Art Festival Awards, Insa-Art-Praza
2011 Insa art festival, Insa art center, Seoul
30th ‘ROOT’ Hong-ik women artists association, Hangaram Museum, Seoul
Pusan internationl art fair, Pusan cultural center
2010 ‘Don’t you still know the best artist of asyaaf?’ The opening exhibition of The Face Gallery ,The Face Gallery, Seoul
See=Think=Sightseeing Experience, JHGallery, Seoul
29th Hong-ik women artists association, Chosun Museum , Seoul
2010 Pusan internationl art fair, BEXCO, Pusan
Opened sympathy, Hangaram Museum, Seoul
Art market JAM, Jangheung Art Park, Jangheung
Insadong brushed his eyes, GONG ART SPACE, seoul
2009 Pusan internationl art fair, Pusan Cultural Center
Rooms of artists, Lminarie Gallery, Seoul
2009 ASYAAF, Defens security of the past, Seoul
Wondergul Pictures, Ilmin Museum, Seoul
2009 Jungtaechun&Parkeunoak celebration of the 30th anniversary,
Kyeonghyang Gallery, Seoul
2008 Select 1000 men by critic, Danwon Exhibit Hall
2008 Pusan internationl art fair, BEXCO, Pusan
2007 Excellent young man, Galerie GAIA
Smart Pig Lucky Pig, Tong-in Auction Gallery, Seoul
The most varied forms, Museun of Modern Art, Shanghai
Expression-changover of consciousness, Space Ham Gallery
2007 Art Interchange - Twain Tippetts Exhibition Hall
Utah State University
2007 Excellent young man in paris, Galerie Etienne de Causans
Korean & China oil paintings invitation, Ning Bo Museum
2005 Contemporary Project CPS in New-York
CANDY-mind, KimOkGill Memorial Hall
11th Express rising writer’s opinion, Gwanhun Gallery
Pag-Concealed Energy, Kyeonghyang Gallery
Group 1 over Bth , Comfort Zone
The most varied forms, Art Hall of the Imperial city, Beijing
Team Preview, Team Preview, Seoul
2004 23rd Korean Art Festival Non-figuratif, the National Museum of Modern Art
Ubiquitous, Contemporary Gallery of Hong-ik Uni.
Art fairs
2018 Art Stage-Singapore, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
Hotel Art Fair-Hongkong, Hotel Marcopolo, Hongkong
Art Pusan, Bexco, Busan
2017 Art Show Pusan, Bexco, Pusan
16th KIAF, Coex, Seoul
White Table Art-Fair, Gallery Nemo(Blue square), Seoul
Tongyeong Art Fair, Tongyeong Citizen's Center, Tongyeong
Global Art and Consumer Goods Collaboration Expo, Coex,Seoul
Pusan International Art Fair, Bexco, Pusan
Seoul Art Show-Select Artists of Blue chip, Coex, Seoul
2016 34th Korea Galleries Art Fair, Coex, Seoul
2nd Affordable Art Fair-Seoul, D.D.P, Seoul
15th KIAF, Coex, Seoul
Pusan International Art Fair, Bexco, Pusan
2015 33rd Korea Galleries Art Fair, Coex, Seoul
G-Seoul, D.D.P, Seoul
Art Show-Pusan, Bexco, Pusan
1st Affordable Art Fair-Seoul, D.D.P, Seoul
14th KIAF, Coex, Seoul
2014 Affordable Art Fair 2014, Convention Center of Hongkong, Hongkong
G-Seoul 14, Dongdaemum Design Park, Seoul
9th SOAF, Coex, Seoul
13rd KIAF, Coex, Seoul
Affordable Art Fair SINGAPORE 2014, Singapore
Art Show, Coex, Seoul
2013 Seoul Living-Design Fair, Coex, Seoul
FLAT TAKE1,artparkI, Seoul
Art Show-PUSAN, Bexco, Seoul
G-SEOUL 13, Hotel-Hilton, Seoul
7th NAMSONG Art Fair, SeongNam Art Center, Gyeonggido
Houston Fine Art Fair, Houston Brown Center, Houston
12nd Korean International Art Fair, Coex, Seoul
2012 30rd Korea Galleries Art Fair, Coex, Seoul
12th KCAF, Hangaram Museum, Seoul Museum of art, Seoul
7th Seoul Open Art Fair, Coex, Seoul
1st Busan Alternative Market of Art, Hotel Centom, Busan
3rd Gyeongnam International Art Fair,
Changwon Convention-center, Changwon
11th Korean International Art Fair, Coex, Seoul
2nd Doors Art Fair, Imparial Palace Seoul, Seoul
2011 11th KCAF, Hangaram Museum, Seoul Museum of art, Seoul
2009 Seoul Art Salon ,aTcenter
Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, 2014.3~8
10th Young Eun Museum of Contemporary Art
Artist-in-Residence Program, Kyeonggido, 2016-7
2nd Gold LINE Artist Residence Program, Kyeonggido, present
‘ARCO’ Overseas Residency program, 2014
4th Museum of 63Art-New Artist Project, 2018
Awards & Selected
2017 4th Selected New Artist Program the Museum of 63Art
Art Show-Seoul Selected 'Artist-Blue Chip', Coex, Seoul
2011 30rd Korean art contest figuratif prize excellence award
2010 Danwon art contest prize excellence award
2008 6th Seoul art contest prize excellence award
2007 Danwon art contest prize special selection
2006 4th Seoul art contest prize special selection
2005 9th Nahyeseok art contest prize
2004 23rd Korean art contest non-figuratif prize
National Museum of Contemporary Art-Art Bank
LAFARGE Hanra Cement
National Museum of Contemporary Art-Art Bank
Young Eun Museum of Contemporary Art
Gold Line Inc.
Harbour City Group-Hongkong
Museum of 63Art
Ativita Inc